Sunday, September 14, 2014

6th Grade Homework Strips! Save on Copies and Save Trees!!! :)

I've made something I am REALLY proud of, so, I am linking up with Tara at 4th Grade Frolics for:

I know it's not Monday, but I am just so excited early because.....Yahoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I finished it!!!!! :)  I blogged a bit about this on Friday, and I have worked really hard to get the FIRST set up!!!  I only have one Monday Made It (well, I've made more things, but I don't want to clog the link up. :)  I just want to put what I am most proud of!).
and only :)

I am SO PROUD of this set!  I started this system of homework strips this year in my classroom.  This is my first year with a COPY LIMIT (AHHHHHHHH!!!!).  My problems:  I do not have enough text books for my 6th graders, and I also can't write down problems on the board every day for them to copy for homework (such as word problems!) so I had to come up with some sort of system to save paper, and here it is!  HOMEWORK STRIPS! :)  This also lets me differentiate, too.  Normally questions 6-10 are harder, so if I have struggling students I can just assign 1-5.

I have fit at least 4 different nightly assignments onto one sheet (not in this case, but all of the rest have 4 :)):

Then I copy ONE sheet for my students every Monday-and tah-dah I am DONE with my copies for the week, and I have saved HUNDREDS on my copy count, paper, and saved trees!  

I then pass out ONE strip to students each day, and they complete them in their homework notebook:

In the morning as part of their warm ups, they compare answers with the students in their groups.  This gets them talking, discussing, collaborating, and peer tutoring.  I LOVE it!  Then as a class we discuss any that they had trouble with. This saves ME time, too because I am not wasting class time going over MILLIONS of homework problems while the students sit there NOT engaged with what I am doing.  It also saves time because I do not have PILES of their homework to review!!  It keeps THEM more organized because they don't have homework papers shoved EVERYWHERE!!!  It also allows the students to be creative. I personally don't mind if the students make it colorful, do their work in pen, etc.  Whatever makes them want to make sure to do their homework. :)

This has been one of the best systems I have ever integrated into my classroom.  You personally wouldn't have to use the strips for could use them in a variety of ways!
-exit tickets
-quick quizzes
-bell work
-independent practice
-in their interactive notebooks as a reflection

I hope that you enjoy this idea, and if you're a 6th-8th grade teacher I hope that you can use these in your classroom!  Just click HERE to find it in my TPT store! Be SURE to follow me while you're there also, as I will be continuing to put out the rest of the CCSS in homework strip form for 6th grade.  If I get ambitious I will start to put out other grade levels as well.  If you do not use the CCSS, this packet includes things like:
*Absolute Value
*Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide Multi-digit Numbers
*Positive & Negative Integers
*Coordinate Graphing

Also, don't forget to stop by Simone's Math Resources for a great giveaway!!!  I'm one of the shopping sprees for tomorrow (9/15), so stop by to enter!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Lori this looks great! I will have to share this resource with my 6th grade math teacher friends!!

    Mind Sparks


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