Sunday, August 3, 2014

August Currently

Happy August THIRD...ha ha.  I'm a little late with the link-up.  I think that I want to be in denial that it's already AUGUST!!!  Waaahhhh.  Time to get my Currently on with Farley over at Oh Boy! 4th Grade.

Have a great Sunday everyone!


  1. Rainy days and snuggle time, can't get any better thatn that.
    Do you have theme that you use to decorate your classroom?

  2. Hi Lori! I agree there is something fun about setting up a classroom. It's just so much work it is kind of hard to get motivated to do it right?

  3. I agree - so excited for the TpT sale (I'd better update my wish list!) and to start decorating my classroom :)

  4. I love teaching math and science too! Not so sure about that middle school age group though. I really envy your start date!! Mine is tomorrow! Ugh! 6:00 am comes too early! Enjoy what is left of your summer.

    Teaching and Learning with Lisa and Laura


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