I'm so excited again to link up with Mrs. McClain for the You Oughta Know Blog Hop! :) I really enjoyed it last time, so it's great to do it again! :)
This time I am talking about how you OUGHTA know about semi-flipping your classroom! :)
Now-here is a disclaimer...:)
1. I am NOT a flipped classroom expert
2. I know that this is not a TRUE flip by definition
However, in MY definition a flipped classroom is essentially where the STUDENTS do the teaching, engaging cooperative learning, and the problem solving, while I myself facilitate. :) You could also look at this as project based learning. I like to think the latest thing that I did in my classroom as a mix between the two--a mash-up you could say. It was an AWESOME lesson, and I think that you OUGHTA know about it. :)
So, this year I am TOTALLY in love with our interactive notebooks. Since I teach 6th grade math AND science, we have one for both. I wanted to do something fun with our last science unit which was on Biomes and Ecosystems. I wanted it to be HANDS ON, STUDENT DRIVEN, COOPERATIVE LEARNING, and ENGAGING...which it was ALL of the above and more!
The first thing that I had to learn was some new technology (I can thank my tech savvy teaching partner for that!). He introduced me to the world of Edmodo. It's essentially a Facebook type social media platform that is COMPLETELY managed by you. You can monitor all student interactions (and as a bonus it sends you an e-mail EACH and EVERY TIME your students post something!).
Here is what I used Edmodo for in my Flipped Classroom/PBL Unit:
I really liked using it! I am not sure if there are any tutorials out there on it, but I would be happy to do one if there was a need.
The second thing that I did was create a MILLION foldables for their notebooks. This is ironic because my last You Oughta Know was on saving copies. Ha ha! This time I made a million copies-it works out in the end, right?? I wanted these foldables to be how the students recorded all of the information that they were going to learn in the unit. The students LOVE their notebooks, so I figured this was the way to go:
Foldables for vocabulary. I had all of the vocabulary terms in a Powerpoint and the students put them in their
The next thing I did was put ALL of the 8 Biomes that the students could choose from on the board: Grassland, Marine, Fresh Water, Taiga, Tundra, Desert, Mountain/Alpine, and Rainforest. I then pulled their student numbers out of a container, and had them pick what biome they wanted. I did NOT let them pick partners, nor did I assign them a group. It was first come first serve. I still had some students that didn't want to work with others, but there lies the life lesson. :)
So, once that was cleared up, they got to work. My school is lucky enough to have received a grant for Chromebooks, so I have 1:1 Chromebooks in my classroom. My students either chose to do a Prezi or they used their Google accounts to do a presentation. I gave them about 20 minutes in class each day to work on their presentations with their groups, but the rest was done at home.
I learned that my students were WAYYYY more tech savvy than I was with Prezi! Their presentations were UNBELIEVABLE!!!!! They taught ME a thing or to about Prezi.
Once the students were finished with their Prezi's (it took about 3 class periods over the course of 2 weeks--I see my students every other day for science), they PRESENTED!! While they presented they taught the students the information needed for their foldables:
I then graded them on a rubric:
This was probably the most FUN unit I've done EVER! We aren't even done yet-I made a vocabulary match for them for their vocabulary words.
I LOVED my experience trying to "flip"/PBL my classroom! I think that the students enjoyed the teaching of their peers! I also got a "now we know how you feel, Mrs. Sugg" when it came to students saying "wait, I'm not ready--don't change the slide yet!" They also talked about how it felt like FOREVER standing up there teaching the class. ;) I was just SO PROUD of the students! It was great!
Want a chance to WIN an opportunity to use this unit with your class for FREE?? It would be great for grades 4-7!
Just enter the Rafflecopter below! :) Contest runs through Halloween! If I make it to 300 TPT followers, I will choose FIVE winners!!!!
Don't forget to head back to the hop to see what others teachers have to share that
You OUGHTA Know :)
You OUGHTA Know :)