I have SOOOOO much fun with this on Monday because I LOVE meeting new bloggers!!! :) Also, thank you yesterday to all of those who follow me! As soon as I posted my flash freebie I had 6 downloads INSTANTLY! :) If you don't already follow me on my FB page, please do! ANY new products I put on TPT will be a flash freebie! :)
So, this week it is three things that we are thankful for. I am pretty sure that mine are pretty generic, but I can't help that it is what I am thankful for. :)
The second thing that I am thankful for is the ability to be visiting my family in Michigan right now (see number 1). Last summer we were not able to go home because our son was in the NICU, so it is VERY special for us to be home this year AND bring our son. What a difference a year makes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
The third thing that I am thankful for is that I have worked in two schools where I have worked with some AMAZING people!!!!!!!! I have learned SOOOOO much from them, and am a better teacher because of it! We are in Michigan right now, and got together with the staff from one of those schools. It's closed now because its charter was not renewed, but this was a school where I met a LOT of amazing teachers (including my husband!! ha ha). Even after 6 years, we still remain close!